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Frequently asked questions | TANKLINIKK BUDAPEST


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    Frequently asked questions

    Frequently asked questions for you, who search quick answers.

    Please press the + sign in order to read the answer:

    Why do you need to send a panoramic X-ray?

    A panoramic dental X-ray captures your entire mouth in one image and provides dentist with information about your bone defects, mouth disease… Only this way, the oral surgeon can make a treatment plan for you and send you an exact price offer.

    How do you know for certain, how much will my implants/bridge cost?

    You can find our prices on our website. However you you can require a personal offer by following the below mentioned steps:

    1. Find a dental clinic/a dentist and ask for a panoramic dental X-ray.
    2. Attache the x-ray file to the form you fill out on the contact site and send it to us.
    3. Here after our surgeon will evaluate the image of your mouth
    4. Based on the evaluation, we will make a treatment plan for you as well as a price offer.
    5. Your personal liaison manager will send the information to you within 48 hours.

    Does dentist speak any English or German language?

    Yes, you can communicate yourself with the dentist, because she speaks English and German. However, your personal liaison manager will be by your side whenever you need her, also in case of translation. It is important to us that you feel comfortable and well informed.

    Does Dental Clinic Budapest use modern technology?

    Yes , we use the latest technology in dentistry. This means that we offer you innovative solution within oral implantology, by reducing the treatment plan up to 4-5 days in stead of several months. We also have our own lab and technicians that make sure, you receive high quality material and work.

    What is happening, if something goes wrong after you go home?

    Our experience shows that the possibility for something bad to occur is very slight.

    However, if for what ever reason you need adjustment you can either look for a a dentist, who is working with immediate implants or you can visit us in Budapest for a free treatment.

    We are always happy to hear from you. Please let us us know if you have any questions, so we can gather them under» frequently asked questions».  Hereby we can also help others with information.

    You get for free

    Airport transfer


    X-ray and CT scan


    Dental treatment plan


    Consultation and Check-up


    Personal Assistance

    Tandbehandling i udlandet

    Book your free

    dental implant

    consultation today!